Remember These...??

Ahhh yes, the VHS. I remember those days very well. It was not long ago that I was watching Liar Liar incessently on my VHS machine. I have stacks and stacks of VHS movies, and they are now literally, collecting dust! Why I am posting this though is because Braydon, ya know my 9 year old son. He doesn't remember them!! Lately I have been having an itch to watch one of my favorite movies, Savannah Smiles. Not only does it remind me of my childhood but it also reminds me of Aunt Suzy, Lindsey and my mom. We loved this movie!! Annie also. I remember when Aunt Suzy actually recorded Savannah Smiles and Annie on the same VHS cassette for me, it was bliss for me! Then I found both seperately on VHS, and made the purchase after years and years of watching my homemade set! ANYWHO.... so I asked Lance and Braydon to watch it with me, (yes, I have VHS machine still, but to be fair it's one of those combos with DVD) and they said yes, because both had never seen the movie. I asked Brayd to put it in for me, and when he saw the VHS, he goes, "What is that"? Lance proceded to tell him about it, the whole back in the day talk, and Brayd starts putting the tape in BACKWARDS!! He was seriously clueless! Am I getting old?? Nahhh... electronic times are just moving at a rapid pace!! So we watch it, and it was so different watching it, although we all loved it, and yes I bawled like a frickin' baby at the end; it was grainy and just a very poor picture! I couldn't believe what a difference it was! At first Braydon wouldn't give it a chance, and scoffed at the picture but after a couple minutes he sat and watched it with us, and loved it a lot. After it was over, he goes, "that was a cute movie mom". Anyways... I found it funny.


Unknown said...

Heck, i remember when pluto was a planet!

Sue Lue Hue said...

What about Pete's dragon, you Gogan you. Don't forget the number 1 movie. Has Braydon watched that one? If not tell him he can come watch it with Aunt Susie. I love that kid, he is one of the many boys in our family that holds a special place in my heart.
That seems like a life time ago huh! Mel. I love you guys.

Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh! That is so funny because just the other day I heard Brad calling Sam "Samana Smiles" that's right SAMana smiles. I can still recall a moment watching that and playing erasers.

The Strosser Family said...

Linds! Not gonna lie, totally just got teary eyed cuz you remember playing erasers with me!!

bebe said...

We have an entire closet dedicated to our collection of "video tapes." If you wanna see a Disney movie, just ask. I've got them all!

Olivia said...

I'm with you. It's funny that VHS tapes have become a thing of the past so quickly. I've just started giving mine away, but mostly I can't find anybody who wants them. It won't be long before DVDs are passé too and we'll just download everything digitally. Can't even imagine where the technology will be 10 years from now.

Tamara with a "T" said...

I loved this post. I loved those movies too and I still do! You should read my sister in laws post from's kind of like yours..wierd! If you go to mine...her link is on mine and I think it's called "we 3 queens". Remember Mike my brother? Well it's his wife. Anywho...check it! I had fun chattin' with you the other day!