My Quest...

Okay here is the deal, I have been feeling a little inferior, if you will. It seems that all around me is either doing the frickin' Ironman, or some super triatholon, marathon thing! What's my problem? Why am I not jumping on this bandwagon? Even my sister, MY SISTER who is a full time working mother of 3 very busy children, is running in a marathon. What is my deal? Why can't I get the courage to do this dang thing!? I am one of the most competitive persons I know, I can't even lose at scrabble, when I beat Braydon at something... I celebrate.. like in his face jump up and down celebrate, and when Lance and I start wrestling... I inflict pain on him because I don't want to be beat! I want to be numero uno if you will! So why haven't I jumped on and done the running, swimming, biking activities?? Am I afraid??? Maybe... Am I so scared of losing, or heaven forbid coming in LAST PLACE??? I admire the people that do these things, in my book they are all first place just for entering the damn competition!

So it is my quest to learn about this... to figure out how to train for one of these things, and GULP... Enter it... so LET'S DO THIS!! Any ideas? Any pointers on how to get started... Ugh, I am such a freakin' rookie! The unknown is terrifying for me... when did I become such a little baby???


Unknown said...

Here's one idea, wait till it warms up to positive numbers out side! Then I will do a marathon with you!

Lindsey said...

Okay, I'm pretty competitive too, but don't do this. It is horrible pain! You don't need to run a marathon to have pride in yourself. Why would you want blisters on top of blisters, endless side aches and about half of the runners poop their pants. Our bodies were not meant to do this! I still think your cool if you don't do it. Don't conform to torture!

bebe said...

I'll do a marathon with you. Let's have a movie marathon and we'll watch all the chick flicks that our hubbies won't watch with us. That's what I call a workout!