It's Potty Time!

Well, I decided to give it a whirl! He is 26 months and I am sick of buying diapers!! So a couple days ago, I decided to keep him in, "big boys" for the day, we had like 20 accidents, not exaggerating! But I didn't really prep him for it, he asked to go pee on the potty, so I just decided to give it a try. He did pee a TON in the potty, but at one point he also, "poo poo'd" in the corner of my bedroom, then came and told me, "come on mommy, come on" while holding my hand to take me to the poo! (sorry for being crude). He pointed to it, and was so proud. Beaming at his treasures he left in the corner of my bedroom! We gleefully picked the poo up and put in the potty and said, "off to potty land for the poo"! I couldn't believe he did that! So yesterday I decide we put the diaper on, and make a day of preparing for potty training. We go buy the Elmo Potty DVD, and the potty, then he decides on, (after 20 minutes of perusing the big boy undies) that he wants Hulk, and Madagascar underwear. He is thrilled beyond belief at his new toys! We go home put the DVD on, take the potty out, and Carter was Screaming with excitement while watching Elmo do the potty dance, and Carter himself sitting on his own potty, like a chair. Now here it is the next day, I have decided to slowly introduce him to it. It's not easy, is it? Braydon did it the week of his 2nd birthday, and we did the potty training in a day, the boy just got it, and never had an accident after that. Carter on the other hand... he's another story! So, if anyone has any advice or suggestions, or stories on what they did. They are more than welcomed! Wish me luck, and stay tuned for updates!


Lindsey said...

Oh he is so cute!!! SOOOO CUTE! Keep up the good/patient work.

Unknown said...

HEY! He still has his pants on!!!! LOL

Unknown said...

He is so dang cute!