Wow, it has been so long since I have last blogged, (sorry about that, it was so hard doing memories of my mom). I gave up the blogging world due to nice weather, and fun to be had! We enjoyed so many awesome moments during the summer, and now here we are back to Halloween, and fall, snowstorms, and chicken noodle soup! I love it for now though, and I now fully know what to expect come this winter!
Life has been crazy lately, there's this swine flu thingy going around and combined with strep throat it's a nasty little sucker! Carter and I both got it, and now we are perfectly healthy folk around this house!
It's hard to catch up on the last 6 months in one post, so I wont even attempt it, for your sake! Carter has been to the ER 3 times in the last 6 months, and still keeping me on my toes. He's talking like crazy, we potty trained his little bum, and he is now in school. We do a sticker chart to promote, "gentle touch", and homeboy is killing it!! Good job Carter! He loves his teachers so much, and loves going to school. Braydon is in pee-wee football, playing for Alta Hawks, and he has come so far, it's amazing! We have made so many great friends from football, and will miss our little family we adopted during the crazy, and all consuming football season!
Redsox got owned in the playoffs, and I admit it... I am sad. BYU is not doing their best for the spouse, but he's a different man than he was last year, so he's okay with it, kinda.
I am so glad that I am able to experience the gift of motherhood, and all the smiles my boys bring me, and hubs too!
So here goes guys.... if I have any followers anymore... sad! Stay with me, it shall be entertaining, and.....
Things I am the most grateful for:
Carters words
Lances' good moods
Braydon is finally learning to turn off the lights
precious minutes I get to talk to big sister
My grandmas phone calls, just to tell me she loves me
Friends from the past
Newfound friendships
Jack, my dog
Lances' amazing hugs
Carter in the morning
Braydon walking in the door from school
My seriously old, and tattered flannel sleeping bag, how I love it!!
Clever Girl Writes Books
A couple years ago, I effectively shut down Clever Girl Goes Blog.
There are lots of reasons for that, the main one being that if I’m not
writing something ...
9 years ago